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Dave's post

Dave, remember that if this is presented and promoted as the

"AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest"

and the "copy" which accompanies it explains just what AGA means, and what
out focus is

and we advertise/promote in places such as:

TAG (AGA Journal)
APD (geek aquatic plant nuts)
Society or Editorial sections of AFM, TFH, FAMA, Practical Fishkeeping
Tropica Website (worldwide plant nuts)
Dupla Website (German plant nuts)
USENET rec.aquaria.plants (even more geek plant nuts)
local clubs throughout North America, and as many as Jose can find in South
Radio, CNN, the Goodyear Blimp, ..... whoa, hold on, I'm getting dizzy....

We run a very good chance of hitting a good percentage of aquarists
interested in plants, so most of our entries shall probably BE from plant

But we should remain open to the possibility of getting and dealing with
others. We might learn something. and there are more of THEM than there are
of US.


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