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The Web-Site....

I have just uploaded a new version of the Web-Site (3:12 P.M. Easter
Daylight Time). Now, I'm no expert in this sort of thing, and it took me a
while to be able to gain access to the FTP server at my ISP. I also designed
the site using Microsoft FrontPage 98, but since my ISP doesn't support FP
extensions except if I give them more $$$, the design of the site I hope
doesn't make use of anything esoteric which would break in the absence of
those things. It doesn't seem to, at least not as I view it on my machine...

One problem I did continue to run into with both Microsoft Internet Explorer
5 and Netscape Navigator 4.61 (I d/l and installed it last night) is that
you MIGHT need to hit the "refresh" button on your browser to ensure that
you are looking at the latest version of each page. I had a devil of a time
trying to get IE to do this, and had to erase the whole web-site a couple of
times and re-boot my computer a few times as well before it appeared to
work. (I'm NOT a computer geek.)

A quick way of telling if you are in fact viewing the "latest and greatest"
is to look at the "Last Update: dd mm yy" line at the bottom of each page.
It SHOULD say 21 July, 1999.

There should ALSO be a "Go To Top of Page" hyperlink on EACH page, as that
was the latest addition just before I uploaded the new files.

The Introduction page now has a photo I "liberated" from the Dupla website -
this should probably be replaced ASAP with something else before we allow
wider access to the site, as I didn't get permission to use it. If anyone
has a nice jpeg image that is no more than 400 pixels wide - send it to

I have added quite a bit of content since last night, so you might wish to
check it out again, if you have already looked at it...

James Purchase
(web-master wanna-be...)

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