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Re: The Web-Site....

James wrote:
>The Introduction page now has a photo I >"liberated" from the Dupla
website - this >should probably be replaced ASAP with >something else
before we allow wider >access to the site, as I didn't get >permission
to use it. If anyone has a nice >jpeg image that is no more than 400
>pixels wide - send it to me....

Yes'I'm still reading :)
There was alot of discussion about making this show/test open to
all,after the website is made more available, wether the jpeg is
replaced or not by someone else's......little johnny is not going to
enter his goldfish bowl when he is confronted with (at the moment)
probably one of the best online shots of an "aquascape"

Personally I feel that we have to practise what we preach here and
display the range of aquascapes that are acceptable to the show/test not
just a planted tank (although this is more along the lines that I
thought this was originally about)
I mean ....hell I woudn't even put my tank up against that one :)
And damn it anyway,I had an excellent shot of a crypt garden planted in
Mckenzie river dirt wich would of been a good example of
taste......maybe olga still has it >vbg<

Van B.C


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