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Re: glowing in the jam...

Olga wrote:

"Hey , strictly among ourselves we should probably have a "Most awful"
award.. to be judged and picked by those of us on this list and published
NO where. Be kinda fun. We could all actually enter... faked photographs
allowed.  My imagination is running wild... an underwater car wreck with
bodies... DB Cooper all decayed and tangled up in his parachute clutching
his money bag... Elvis in his secret underwater dome hideaway... The
possibilities are endless. <g>"

Actually Olga, considering the epithets which have been hurled around here
lately, I find this to be in extremely poor taste. I, and at least one other
person who is no longer with us has been as much as accused of being
pretentious prigs for our attempts to bring some sort of class to this
event -  one was so insensed that he left. You have constantly insisted that
this be for the "common man", and anything even remotely intellectual was
apparently worthy of public ridicule..

Yet here you are, suggesting that we actually make FUN of people's efforts?
As you asked me, so very recently, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

I also find it personally distasteful that you should bring an indivdual who
is NOT a party to these discussions into this in a derogatory manner.... and
you KNOW who I'm talking about...

Do you have any idea how these comments sound? You might not be aware, but
this little group now has members from North and South America, Europe and
Asia. If we have any HOPE of realizing the dream of making this a truly
International event, the LAST thing we should be even suggesting is that we
intend to (even privately) hold people's efforts up to ridicule.

Your "imgaination" might be running wild, but your common sense has clearly
deserted you. I am not impressed with the "<g>" appended to your post - the
statement should never have been made in the first place.

As I have stated before, and I re-state again her now, MY vision of this
event was that it be one which would bring hobbyists from all over the world
together, to learn from one another and to further the cause of the hobby. I
publicly invited, on the APD, and more recently in other forums, anyone who
shares that vision to join with me and us in the planning of this event.

I will not support anyone or any group, privately or otherwise, in an effort
to laugh over an entrant's efforts.

Everyone has to come to a personal decision over how far they can bend their
own convictions - I am drawing a line in the sand. Cross it, and I'm out of
here - and someone ELSE can organize this event.

James Purchase
A nearsighted buzzard with new glasses.....

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