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Note to Karen & Erik

Karen & Erik,

It seems that you both think some of us are trying to make this _too_
complicated by worrying over-much about sniggly little details. Please
remember that very few of _us_ have had the luxury of being involved in
horse shows, dog shows, home shows, any kind of show where juried judging is
involved. In _any_ kind of show, when it was _first_ attempted, I'm pretty
sure that there was someone as anal an I can be worrying about the details.
If this goes over and is a success and we decide to do it again, the second
time around will be easier on everyone.

But please don't get exasperated at us for trying to think of things in
advance. Karen, you publicly stated quite some time ago that you wanted this
pretty much completely worked out before it goes before the AGA-MC. Are you
now suggesting that we not sweat the details and if someone from the MC has
a question during their consideration, that an acceptable answer from me
would be - "Ummmmm, welllll, we didn't think of that.....we'll worry about
it if and when it happens..."

I don't know about the AGA-MC, but if any of _my_ staff ever came to me with
a proposal and they hadn't sweated the details, their proposal would be sent
back to be re-worked. Remember as well that in most shows, the Judges and
the organizers are on site and available to one another face to face. In
this, we might be half way around the world from one another and only
available by e-mail.

But then again, I could be wrong - it _has_ been known to happen.

James Purchase

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