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Proposal, round 2

I have uploaded revised pages for the notes for the Proposal. The following
changes have been made:

Draft page changes: Minor change to #11 (deleted discussion regarding
submission of several variations to AGA with or without entry fees).

Appendix i. - no change
Appendix ii. - minor change - removed dollar value for Entry Fee, replaced
by ???.
Appendix iii. - added #9 regarding superimposed printing over photos.
Appendix iv. - Unchanged
Appendix v. - Unchanged but disregard #2 - this will depend on other
Appendix vi. minor change to #2 - entries _shall_ be placed into categories,
not _may_. Other minor changes of _may_ to _shall_.
Appendix vii. - In scoring guidelines, ammended the use of the word "may" to
"shall" in a number of places and removed the contentious "judges
discretion". Also removed Honourable Mention awards. The awards for each
Category are 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There will also be a judge selected "Best of
Show" and there _may_ be a "People's Choice", although it is not mentioned
here (because it has nothing to do with the judges). (This is _not me being
picky - this depends entirely on Erik being able to set up the web-site to
record this sort of information.")
Appendix viii. No change
Appendix ix. Cost details being penciled in.
Appendix x. Promotion details being penciled in.

As you can see, a lot of the changes revolve around the substitution of the
word "may" with the the word "shall", which seemed to bother some folks.
Minor though it may seem, it does take away a large part of the "judge's
discretion". You wanted them to "fish or cut bait", you got it.

I have placed some tentative information into the costs area and promotion -
mainly on ways to keep the costs low. As I've said before - I don't think
that cutting out the items which would cost us money is too much of a
problem - but please take notice of my SUGGESTION that we do away with
"Prizes" altogether - there will still be winners, they just won't get
anything other than public mention of the fact (and the possibility to
download a PDF file with their "Certificate"). As you can see, this
"minimalist version" would only entail the cost for the CD-ROM's for the
judges, the "up front" costs to Erik for the CD-ROM's for the Public (which
would be done on an as needed basis to eliminate unsold inventory) and
whatever Karen feels would be a fair figure for gifts to the judges. Without
the last item, the event would cost under $100.00.

If we can get this in for UNDER $100.00, I suggest that we limit entries to
ONE per person, regardless of their membership status in the AGA and we have
NO ENTRY FEE at all.

On Judging Criteria and Scoring Criteria - if there is _ANYONE_ still
unhappy with these two areas - please feel free to sit down and type out, IN
FULL, your _own_ version and then post it - to REPLACE mine. I'm not
impressed when someone tells me that they could have done it in an evening
two months ago - if you _could_ have, your _should_ have.

James Purchase

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