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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #186

Jim C. mentioned that we could save on postage by sending out the prize and
the ribbon at the same time.  Can't tell you what I was thinking exactly,
but in retrospect that seems like quite an oversight on my part.  Whoops!

One nifty thing that I may not have mentioned before is that anything
shipped via Priority Mail (United States Postal Service or USPS) gets free

Getting back to Jim's comments, it seems like a big job for one person to
do.  They will have to order the ribbons, proof them, collect all the
prizes, and last (but most certainly not least) ship everything out to as
many as 45 (or more?) recipients.  Maybe there are two people on this list
that are geographically proximate to one another that might be able to
tackle this task together?  When we talk about someone receiving all the
ribbons and then sending out the 2nd and 3rd place ones to someone else for
treatment, well, we get into the what-if-it-gets-lost-in-da-mail discussion

Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN
Enjoying Labor Day

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