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The Proposal

James & Group-

Everything looks impecable.  I have one suggestion, and a couple of things
which I believe may be wording problems.

The suggestion is concerning the end of Section 14 where it is listed that
the event has high potential to become an annual event.  It is my belief
that this deserves a little more ink other than a quick mention here.

The places where I think there may be wording problems are as listed:

Section 3, #6 -  It says, "The judges may be provided with CD ROMS
containing all of the images and supporting documentation covering each
entry."  My concern with the wording is, is this a (may) thing or is it a
(will) thing?

Section 13, #4 - I believe the last line shall state, "It is the event
organizers goal that all entrants are winners, and that everyone will be
able to learn something through sharing."

Section 16, #7 - Third word estimate should be estimated.

That is it.  Please don't take the ticky tacky stuff the wrong way.  I am
in no way trying to tear down your exhilirating work, James.  What you have
done is very comendable.  I know that you are very detail oriented, and
that is the reasons why I bring forth to the group the things that I have.

Have a great day.

Mike G.

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