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Re: Potential Judges and Translation

Jose wrote:

>It will be great to finally end up with one judge for each region/country
>we have on the judge's list. This way we could have the different
>points of view/styles from them and a true international judging

James responds:

Jose, do you know of any possible suggestions for a Spanish or Portugese
speaking aquascaper who might be suitable - from either South or Central
America or from Europe? I have absolutely no knowledge of the state of the
hobby in Spain, Portugual or South or Cental America. As our sole
representative for that part of the world, I ask that you look around to see
if there is anyone you could suggest. Remember that the person doesn't
necessarily HAVE to be an aquatic gardener, it is aquascaping in general
that is more important (and the fact that they could contribute to the
International character of the event, at least during this discussion

Also, you mentioned earlier that it might be possible for you to translate
some stuff into Spanish - I am thinking of the general Introduction of the
event, the Event and Contest Guidelines which will appear on the Web-site.
Is this still a go?

James Purchase

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