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Re: site metaphor

Further to what Erik wrote about the two web-sites I refered you to (black
background, white/grey text) - I have seen a photographer's web-site (sorry,
I can't find the URL right now which used a "gallery" metaphore - visitors
could roam from room to room looking at the images on the walls. Clicking on
any image brought it up full screen. If I remember correctly, it used some
3-D plug-in to allow you to move around the site (something I'd rather we
did without as a lot of people WON'T go get a special plug-in to view a

But the idea of dividing the site into separate "information" and "viewing"
areas could work well - we could even integrate the "information" into the
background in such a manner that clicking on something would bring up the
information (i.e. entry form, entry guidelines, etc.) in full screen, black
text on white background format) - sort of like an "Information Kiosk", as
Erik suggestes. I REALLY like the way that photographs look on a black (or
even very dark grey) background - they just soet of "pop" off the screen.

Following this thru, are you planning on having two separate areas (Showcase
AND Contest) where images may be displayed? (the big files only have to be
stored once - linked to smaller thumbnails in the different rooms).

I seem to recall a discussion months ago where I suggested something like a
"gallery" metaphor and Olga getting upset and/or confused about it.... can't
find the exact posts, but I remember the kerfluffel....

Regardless, Erik, if you want to fly with this idea, it sounds like it would
be dynamite... at least to me.

James Purchase

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