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Web-Site Content

Erik (and everyone else... <g>):

Thanks for the tip on how to reference a USENET newsgroup - I'll adjust the
links page when I get a chance.

I have gone over the Proposal (yet again!!!!) and extracted most of the
content that I think is appropriate for the final web-site. For right now,
I'd rather not put it into HTML - for one thing, the AGA MC might
suggest/require changes, and for the second, why do work that Erik will only
have to re-do (remove and replace any improper HTML codes)?

I have the files saved as MS Word 95 (Version 7, I believe) files. They ARE
formatted, to the extent that I have H1 and H2 headers where I think it's
appropriate and I have made use of "bullets and numbers" to show roughly how
I would like it to be "paced". The final "look" I leave to Erik - if he can
code it so that the whole web-site shares a common look and feel, so much
the better.

The sections that I have finished (at least, I hope they are finished!), are
the following (what they finally end up being called doesn't matter to me):

General Entrance Guidelines
Contest Specific Guidelines
Photo Guidelines
Judging Guidelines
Entrance Form
Entrance Fees
Aquascape Information Form

These ALL come straight from the Proposal, with minor editing to remove
things that the public need not worry about and in some cases I have
re-worded and re-ordered some points to make them more easy to understand
and follow.

Erik - do you want me to send these to you as e-mail attachements for your
review (or does anyone else want to look them over? Shoot me an e-mail and
I'll send them to you)?

Other sections, which I haven't started work on yet, will be done mainly
from scratch (not from the Proposal). These include the following things
which Erik mentioned last week:

Introduction (what is it?)
Photo & Scanning Tips (some/most of this will come from the material on the
mock web-site, unless someone would like to take on the task of doing this
Aquascaping Tips
Press Release
Points of Contact
Sample Entry

Does anyone have any suggestions for any OTHER sections, or input they'd
like to make on those mentioned?

James Purchase

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