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Re: Photographer's Rights

Thanks Jim, for your insight into this issue. I worked as a photographer
years ago and I never sold more than "one time use" rights for any of my
photos, but I know that the laws have changed in a lot of countries over the
issue of copyright/intellectual rights in the past few years and I wasn't
sure exactly where we stood now.

I'm wondering if it would be sufficient for us to provide a space for the
name of the photographer and perhaps a check box for them to indicate the
granting of their permission for the AGA to use the images submitted as
outlined in the section already? (On the WWWW, in TAG, on CD-ROM and
possible publication in aquarium hobby magazines, with all uses accompanied
by the Copyright information I suggested earlier, i.e. Name, City, Year.)

I do not want to take away the rights or privelages of the owner of the
Copyright, nor do I feel it necessary for us to claim the Copyright for
ourselves (the AGA). In the past, I have seen (and avoided like the plague)
entering Photography Competitions which have insisted that by entering
Contest the Copyright to the submitted images passed to the Contest  and/or
it's organizers or sponsors. I had visions of my photographs being used for
purposes I had no control over or knowledge of.

But while I wish to respect the rights of the Copyright holders, I want to
avoid any possibility of the AGA being open to damage claims. Some form of
wording must also be found which doesn't confuse/scare the willies out of
prospective entrants.

James Purchase

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