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Re: PR Sampler

Erik sent me a large, hi-res version of one of George Booth's aquascapes
last night to use for Dave Gomberg's Planted Aquaria magazine and I did some
playing around with it fitting things to the format used in TAG. As both
Dave's magazine and TAG are physically the same size, I figured that I could
at least get an idea of how the text I had written would fit with the
photograph and how both would look together on the page.

Given the amount of text (slightly over 300 words), the material takes up
slightly more than a page, so I dug out some of Wim Heemskerk's photos as
well - hoping that I could make a full two page spread out of the
combination. It works, at least when using the formatting details sent to me
by the TAG editor, Mary McCaw. I printed out a copy at 300 dpi on my printer
and it looks good (to me at any rate).

Its too late, and I'm too tired, to do the identical formatting for the web,
but I have loaded the material up to the web
(http://www.interlog.com/~jpurch/webs/PR/Default.htm). It isn't going to
show up the same way as it printed out but if you narrow your browser window
to slightly more than the width of the pictures, things fall into place,
with the page break occurring in the paragraph following Wim's first image
("All types of freshwater, brackish water and" - is the last text on page 1,
with the rest on page 2).

Now, before anyone clicks on that URL, let me warn you that the first image
file on that page is HUGE - I was too tired to worry much about cutting it
down for the web as this is just to give folks an idea of what I'm going
for. The page will take quite a while to load into your browser.

I don't know if Dave G. will give us 2 full pages, but in case he will, I'm
going to send him all three images along with the text and my suggestions
for layout. But, its his magazine, and he may have different ideas. We'll
just have to wait and see.

James Purchase

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