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RE: Prizes

OK..... let's see..... here is the list of companies I have sent e-mail
requests to...... it took a while, as each e-mail had to be customized to
the type of company and for their specific products... Those with "*" have
yet to be contacted. I have heard back from a couple, one confirmation and
one decline and a couple of "more info please". I doubt that everyone
contacted will be able/interested to help, but if we don't ask, we'd never

1. Acquamarine
2. ADA
3. Aqua Medic
4. Aquadyne
5. Aqualan Aquarium Products (declined to donate anything)
6. Aqualine Buschke
7. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
8. Aquarium Systems
9. Aquatic Lighting Systems
10. AZOO
11. BioPlast
12. CaribSea, Inc.
13. * Cell Pore by Cercona - no e-mail address known
14. Dennerle
15. Dupla
16. Eheim
17. *Energy Savers Unlimited/Coralife - need updated web address
18. Giesemann
19. Hach
20. Hagen
21. Hanna Instruments
22. Hobby
23. Jungle Laboratories
24. Kent Marine
25. LaMotte
26. Lee's Aquarium Supplies
27. Marineland
28. Oceanic Systems, Inc.
29. OTTO
30. Penn-Plax
31. Perfecto
32. Poly-Bio-Marine
33. Python Products
34. Rainbow Lifegard
35. Red Sea Fish pHarm
36. Rena
37. SanFrancisco Bay
38. Seachem
39. Sera
40. Tetra
41. *Tropic Marin - need updated web address
42. Tropica
43. *Tunze - no e-mail address known
44. Vortex
45. ZooMed

46. Aqua Geographica
47. Aquarist & Pondkeeper Magazine
48. Aquarium Fish Magazine
49. Barron's
50. Cichlid Press
51. *Ecology of the Planted Aquarium - have yet to contact
52. *FAMA - have yet to contact
54. The Aquatic Book Shop
55. *Tropical Fish Hobbyist - have yet to contact
56. *VectraPoint -  don't really see the point....

On-line Retailers:
57. *Aqua Botanic - have yet to contact
58. Aquarium Driftwood
59. *Aquarium Hobbyist Supply - web-site off line, I'm trying to contact him
via other means
60. Aquarium Mail Order
61. *Aquatic Warehouse - need updated web address
62. Arizona Aquatic Gardens
63. Champion Lighting
64. Daleco Master Breeders
65. Dutch Aquarium Systems
66. Feller Stone
67. Hydrologix
68. *Inner Oceans - appears to be mainly marine, no e-mail address given on
web site
69. Mail Order Pet Supplies (Canada)
70. Monolith Marine Monsters
71. Pet Solutions
72. Pet Warehouse
73. Schoeler Enterprises
74. That Fish Place

If anyone can think of a company I have forgotten about or missed, please
supply me with a web site and e-mail address.

James Purchase

P.S. - David...... hope that you have a big garage or basement........ lol

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