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Just want to run something by you all.....

One company I am trying to get a prize from gave me the impression that they
might like to be able to choose the category which they donate a prize to.
I've explained to them that while it is of course wonderful that they want
to get involved, if might cause problems if we have multiple companies
wanting to sponsor some categories and none offering to cover others. I also
pointed out that we are as yet uncertain of the types of entries some of the
categories might attract and it would be best if we decide on the exact
prize for the category once we see the type of aquascapes which win each
category (i.e. a CO2 system might not be the most appropriate prize for the
owner of a prize winning Rift Lake aquascape).

Does this make sense? I'd rather have a pool of prizes which we could sort
by approximate $$$ value and make sure that 1st place prizes are more
valuable than 2nd or 3rd, and that the biggest donated prizes goes to the
Best of Show and People's Choice. We could decide upon which particular
prize goes to each individual winner once we have seen the aquascape and the
judges have had their opportunity to comment. Anyone have any other


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