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Re: Prizes & Categories

Ken wrote:
"I would think that letting companies _suggest_  a category for their prizes
would be okay as long as they understood that our steering committee would
make the final decision based on the criteria you mentioned in your email"

Actually, that seemed to work well...... the company in question was Cichlid
Press and I think that Ad Konings was a bit concerned initially that there
wasn't a Category specifically for cichlids...... when I explained that this
is an AQUASCAPING event and not a fish show, and that we both hope and
expect to get many auqascapes which feature cichlids....... that seemed to
be O.K. with him. I know of several hobbyists in Europe who keeps Cichlids
in magnificient aquascapes (and who plan on entering) so I doubt that there
will be any lack of entries of that type.

Anyway, he's decided to donate two of his books......"Tanganyika Cichlids in
Their Natural Habitat" (Catalogue Price $65.00US) and "Enjoying Cichlids"
(Catalogue Price $35.00US). They should be on there way to Dave shortly....
Ad Konings books are beautiful and we should have no complaints from the
luck person(s) who receive them as Prizes.


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