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One caveat....

Hahahahahah....... O.K. everyone, pick up 'yer teeth......

I'm glad that so far, everyone seems impressed with the prizes we are

But we have to keep in mind that All Glass Aquariums are available ONLY in
the U.S. and Canada, so whoever we award that particular prize to is going
to have to live in North America.... there is no way we could ship a package
like that safely to Europe or Australia (for example). In fact, we _may_
have to stipulate that the winner has to make their own arrangements to get
it from All Glass. I would imagine that shipping costs on something like
that could wipe out our budget (for the next 10 years....)

This is one reason why I don't want to tie particular donations to any
particular Category until AFTER we know where the winners live (unless, of
course, the donor will take care of any shipping costs).

This is also why I'd really like to be able to contact more European (and
other) manufacturers.... if they are local to our entrant pool, getting
prizes out to the winners might be easier.

If _anyone_ has aquarium magazines from countries _other_ than the U.S.,
please take a few moments to go through the display ads and see if you can
find any aquarium manufacturers who are located in other areas. That was the
reason for my post to the APD yesterday regarding the manufacturer of
aquarium backgrounds located in Europe. It would make a _great_ prize, for
someone in Europe.... but would probably be too difficult (and expensive) to
ship elsewhere.

B.T.W., I did locate not one, but 2 companies, and sent them both
solicitation e-mails.


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