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Re: Aquarium Driftwood

From: "James Purchase"
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2000 3:57 PM

> Andy Baxter, of Aquarium Driftwood, has donated a $50.00US
> Gift Certificate.
> The prize will have to go to a US based winner, as they won't
> ship Internationally.

You know, of course, that where regulations permit such, I could work with a
non-US recipient on these small things. The biggest hassle for companies is
getting and maintaining an import/export license and supporting
documentation, as well as tracking the associated fees and what-not.

An individual has a lot better time of shipping a "gift" as long as the
package is "inspectable" - just declare any duty taxes due.

In this case, one of us that may be close to AqDW can work with the
recipient on size, shape, etc. in redeeming the certificate. I could then
"walk them through" the shipping.

Although it may sound like an additional "hassle", the actual cost of
shipping internationally is not significantly higher nor too involved for
private individuals. It would be worth the effort to me, if no one else, in
order to maintain the "personal flavor" of our little venture.

But do keep in mind that these are the "little" things - even I would still
hesitate to tackle something like the 72-gal entirely on my own...


David A. Youngker

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