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Re: Prizes & PROMOTION

<<And now..... I'm going to ask all of the LURKERS to do something.... get off
of your backsides and start promoting this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You folks
were not invited to join this list to just sit and read.>>

Been there, done that! I've posted copies to my favorite LFS. I even felt 
stupid when I dropped by Albany Aquarium to post the poster and the owner 
goes "I'm part of AGA." D'oh!! Never mind... ::slipping out the door::

I think my next round though I'll take into account EVERY LFS in my area. 
Even the ones that make me shudder when I go into them and the chain pet 
stores. Eeek! There goes my ink cartridge...

By the way Erik, how about making a list of all the prizes that have been 
donated and then putting it up in the press kit to print out in the near 
future. That way we can print it out and post it in our clubs and lfs to get 
even more people interested. Just a thought...

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