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RE: TAG Insert

I have just e-mailed Mary McCaw, Editor of TAG, and asked her is there will
be another issue of TAG printed before our September 30th deadline and if
there will be, could we get a correction notice put into it. We had
anticipated that the majority of the "mail in's" would come from AGA members
who lack Internet access.

I'd suggest that you immediately pull the PDF files (the poster is OK, it
never had your address to begin with) until they can be corrected. David,
can you make the corrections and then "re-PDF" the files, or do you require
me to do it and send you new source documents?

Remember that is IS still only early June, and we have plenty of time to
re-trace some steps. I haven't seen AFM yet, as its not on the newsstands
here yet - was there an error in THAT material? Could someone please check?

Also, could the people who e-mailed the aquarium clubs in various areas
please step forward once again..... we will need to send out corrected
notices. Please speak up!


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