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Re: corrected notice

Ken was wondering how much of an explanation I gave the clubs/magazines I
contacted..... here is the text of my e-mail:


In [insert month of initial contact], I contacted you regarding an event
which might be of interest to the [insert name of group]. Unfortunately, I
have just discovered that the mailing address that I listed for postal
entries was incorrect. The correct address is:

AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest
C/O Erik Olson
306 NW 82nd Street
Seattle, WA 98117

Telephone: Erik Olson at Voice (206) 789-5840; FAX (206) 217-5036 (Pacific
Standard Time)

I have attached an updated Club Notice for your convenience and would like
to point out that Kaspar Horst, co-founder of Dupla and Editor of Aquarium
Heute, Germany, has joined our Judging Panel. Our web site also has been
updated to include a sampling of the Prizes which have been donated by
companies in the aquarium industry for the Contest portion of the event.

Yours truly,

[Inset your name]

[Attach file Club_Notice_New.txt]

I've heard back from Mary Sweeney, Editor of TFH. She will print a
correction in the September issue of TFH which should hit the newsstands in


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