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Re: coincidence

Erik wrote:
"...Unfortunately, I suspect that the address mistake is just a
coincidence with respect to the lack of entries."

Considering the fact that our focus in this has been almost entirely web
based, and the main non web audience we HAVE to pay attention to are AGA
members who do not have web access, I would have thought that most entries
would/will come via e-mail, or at least come from people who have e-mail
access. It is _still_ very early (in my opinion, anyway.... I may be wrong)
to be worried about not having loads of entries.... the deadline is still
over 3 1/2 months away. I'm sure that a lot of people who would like to
enter are still in the process of getting their tanks ready.

- Is this an incorrect assumption on my part? Remember that I have no prior
experience in contests of this type.... I don't know what we should be

Hopefully, anyone who has sent anything to the wrong address would have put
their return address on their envelope - so the post office should have
returned the package/letter to them. I would expect that anyone in that
situation would check out web site and discover the proper address..... you
have placed a note on the "news page" which makes note of the mistake.

I also trust that the Post Office now has been made aware of the potential
problem and will cooperate in redirecting any entries with the incomplete

But I have some questions, and hopefully either you or Karen will know the
answers to....

- Mary said that around 650 copies of the most recent TAG went out. That
inidicates that there are 650 current AGA members. When I ran a "who" query
on the majordomo software running the APD a while back I got something like
1200+ members to that list. Does anyone in the AGA know how much overlap
there is between the two sets of members? In other words, does anyone know
how many AGA members are not also members of the APD? I've already posted a
correction on the APD, so any AGA members who received the insert containing
the incomplete address _should_ be aware of the proper one now. The only AGA
members we really have to worry about are ones who are NOT on the APD and/or
those who do not have computer access.

- Is there a master list of AGA members with e-mail addresses? Is there a
master list of AGA members? A comparison of those two lists would give us an
idea of which AGA members who need to be made aware of the problem.

If we can determine the approximate number of people affected, we can make a
better decision the steps needed to correct it.

The editors of all of the magaines I contacted have said that they should be
able to get a correction into print before the closing date of the contest.
As I mentioned earlier, we could always extend the closing date by a month,
if necessary.

- But I would like your (anybody's) thoughts on the lack of entries received
to date..... is my thinking that it is still early correct, or is there
another reason? (like a general lack of interest). How many entries were
received in the last AGA photo contest? When did they come in, early or

- Is there anything _else_ we can do, either related to the address issue or
to whipping up interest in the event?

- Am I worng in thinking that while this mistake is regrettable, it is
hardly fatal?


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