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RE: ping

> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:11:22 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Erik Olson <erik@thekrib.com>
> Subject: Ping...
> FYI for James, your "ping" letter arrived Saturday.
>   - Erik

For everyone else's benefit, this might need some explanation....

Due to the missing Street Number in the published address for the event,
I've been sweating bullets. Even with the US Postal Service's assurance that
mail could and would be redirected to the correct address I was a bit
dubious. So I sent a "dummy" to the incorrect address, to see where it ended
up. Inside was a single piece of paper with a request that Erik post to the
list should he receive it.

Obviously, the Post Office is being true to their word and are forwarding
any incorrectly addressed entries. So perhaps I can now relax a bit.

But if I remember correctly, here in Canada at least, requests for mail
redirection are generally for 3 months - it may be necessary to remind the
Post Office in late August of the potential error.

F.Y.I.W., I may do this "pinging" again, later, to make sure that things
continue to work.


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