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Problem with PAM and Piggyback announcement

Just wanted to give a little warning to James and the group that I talked
with Gomberg last weekend, and learned that PAM's layout editor person
managed to lose or forget our announcement (or something like this), so
there will be no showcase plug in the upcoming PAM #2. I would take this
exactly at face value, and not as some form of slighting the AGA or any of
us personally, because at the time #2 was composed, a similar announcement
for the convention made it in.  I've made sure he's *not* putting it in a
later issue, because #3 won't come out until October.  Given the level of
exposure we've gotten elsewhere, I don't think this will be a problem.

On another issue, was wondering if it's getting time to do another plug,
and if we could piggyback it with some e-mails announcing the November
Chattanooga AGA Conference?  Perhaps the e-mail could be primarily for
announcing the conference but would also include a blurb about our new
prizes and that the deadline's starting to get closer.  The blurb for the
conference is at http://www.aquatic-gardeners.org/conference.html

Ken and co., would you be willing to do this?

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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