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RE: Tropica Invoice

I've received the Invoice that David spoke of earlier, and have sent the
following to Tropica, asking for clarification:


Several weeks ago, I wrote to Tropica on behalf of the Aquatic Gardeners
Association, informing your company of the fact that the organization is
hosting an online aquascaping showcase and contest - the AGA International
Aquascaping Showcase & Contest. Incidentially, your Managing Director, Claus
Christensen is one of the Judges in the Contest portion of the event.

In my earlier letter, I invited Tropica to become involved in this event as
a Prize Donsor/Sponsor. We received your donation and have noted it on our
web site. I'm sure that the winners of the products will appreciate them, as
do the organizers of the event.

Recently, we have received an Invoice (#2264 1), billing us for 275.55 DEM -
apparently for the products you earlier donated to our event.

I would like to know if this was an error, or if Tropica expects the Aquatic
Gardeners Association to pay for the materials that you donated to our

I look forward to your reply.

Thank you,

James Purchase
Event Coordinator
AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest
70 Cambridge Ave., Apt. 2232
Toronto, Ontario


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