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Weekly Status

Entrant Update: Four paid entries.  I expect to get a check for two more
next week, bringing the total to 6.  Four entries used digital images, two
sent prints.  I have integrated the images into the system.  It's not so
bad...I'm finding my footing in terms of what works well, and expect to be
able to do this very quickly by the deluge (hopefully) on October 3rd.

Bad Entrant Update: Three dead entries still sitting around.  I classify
them as such, because they haven't sent in checks, or responded to
e-mails, and they've been around for at least a month. One of the dead
entries was the aforementioned "single digital photo" thing.

Category Update: ALL the entries (9 in total) are in the Aquatic Garden
category.  They are split nicely across the sizes, though.  Might be worth
mentioning in our next monthly plug in the APD that "rocky Lake Malawi
biotopes are biotopes too!" and that your 20th Anniversary Styx "Mr.
Roboto"-themed tank would win the artifical aquascape if the contest
closed today.

Judging Website Progress: I have written the part of the site that lets
judges view the entries and record their scores.  It's pretty slick; when
a judge logs in, they are presented with an index of all the categories
THEY are assigned to judge, along with how many entries in that category
they have yet to score ("Aquatic Garden < 60L: 3 of 6 entries judged").
When they click on a category, it shows an index of all the entries, the
entry number, a single thumbnail picture, and the total scores from each
judge.  Clicking on the entry brings the judge to a gallery view that
looks very similar to the now-familiar Sample Entry, except with a
scorecard at the bottom (and Previous and Next labels which don't show up 
in the sample).

Most of the images are between 800 and 1000 px in width, so this is
definitely for 1024x768 monitors unless they use the 1:2 scale.  It will
be interesting to find out if it's not too annoying to download these over
a modem (which would cancel the need to do the local CD-ROM option).

Lastly, I don't yet have something for the judges to browse all entries
for best of show (but I will shortly).  I'm figuring, based on how I've
seen other shows done, that this particular award is one that isn't
scored, but is agreed upon by the judges after viewing all the entries.

Now, how to test all this?  I assume everyone is planning on entering,
right? :) We need to find a couple people who aren't entrants and aren't
judges who'd like to play test judges.  And probably we should do this in
a couple weeks when we have a few more entries and categories to play

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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