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Weird entry!

Just checking in...

I got an entry in the mail today that's puzzled me.  It was sent Fed Ex,
so they must have had some cash.  But the prints look very strange.  The
color is not so good (one might say "unsaturated"), they're all horribly
out of focus, and on close examination, I actually noticed there are
"jaggies" visible in the diagonal lines.  That's when it hit me... this
person must have shot either video or some other low-resolution digital
photos and then taken analog pictures of their TV (or something like
that).  There's even one "print" that's a composite; three prints that
have been scotch-taped together to make a panorama! I wonder if they
thought that by making it into a print it would get around our suggestion
of not submitting low-resolution digital photos?!

Anyway, this now beats the stack of 5 floppies I received last week for my
"most unusual medium entries on which have been received" award.

  - Erik

PS: I'll be on vacation starting Saturday morning through labor day.
Though we'll be bringing a laptop, I may be out of e-mail contact.  So
James, you'll probably have to answer all the neat questions like "can I
enter my water changer in the contest".

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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