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Re: 2 1/2 weeks to go......

James wrote:
> 6. Prize allocation is something that we can discuss later and I
don't think
> it can be "nailed down" until we actually see the winning entries.
It would
> be kind of dumb to give an expensive CO2 regulator to someone who
> as an entry a 10 gallon tank with plastic plants (or would it????).
Also, if
> we don't get entries in each category, that means that we shall have
> prizes. Since I believe that we decided that we want to spread the
> around as much as possible, it would probably be better if we made
> "Runner Up" or "Honorable Mention" awards rather than just giving
> winners multiple items, but this is open to discussion from everyone
and I'm
> open to suggestion.

How impractical would it be to send an email to the winners asking
them for their first, second and third choices for prizes?  We
wouldn't promise anything, but it might give us an idea of their
desires.  And who knows?  Maybe the guy with the big aquatic garden
might want those cichlid books...
Dave Engle
Jacksonville, NC
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