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Re: 2 1/2 weeks to go.......

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> Karen said that it WAS. You have a Contest, you accept what is entered and
> deal with it. It might seem to some that we are playing favourites if we
> adjust the rules or categories so late in the game.

I meant it strictly by numbers, not quality.  If we only have two people
in the small paludarium category, and one in the medium size, why not
combine the two?  I thought we even say somewhere that we reserve this
particular right.  This is why I will not tell anyone what I think of
particular entries, just that there are "only two total in the paludarium

> I would hope that we will get more than 50 entries, and am worried what part
> the address mix-ups may have played in this, if any. 

Unfortunately, I think the mistaken address part is pretty minimal.  It's
TOUGH to get people motivated.  Heck, George Booth ain't even entering,
because all his tanks are in disarray.  Only two of us ORGANIZERS are
entering (so far... and it isn't James or me!).

> I have no problem with you making an announcement at the November
> convention, let's just see how the time line works for that. But remember
> that our official announcement date remains November 30th. I don't think its
> fair for us to change too many rules in mid-stream.

I didn't want to announce the winners, just preview the aquascapes on a
monitor there.

> Pretty much my feelings - I'd like to see the winning entries AND know where
> the person lives, before we decide upon a particular item to award as a
> Prize. 

Unfortunately, I guess I wasn't clear enough; you missed my point
entirely. My point was that I think you SHOULDN'T know this.  You
shouldn't choose who to award the big tank to based on knowing where they
live, or seeing their entry.  To me, this plays directly into that trap of
changing the rules midstream you mentioned above.  I think you should
choose based ONLY on the category and how popular the competition is in
the category.

Sure, we'll have to take consideration of getting the prize to the person
and maybe substituting things, but I think those adjustments should be
made only when absolutely necessary, and AFTER the initial decision of
which prizes go where, not as part of it or before it.  (Just my opinion.)

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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