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Pep Talk... we hit 30!

Though we haven't gotten checks for em all yet, we have hit the
30-registered-entries-with-photos mark as of today.

I also finally figured out how to automate the copyright burn-in on all
the photos and avoid the nightmare of manually doing this.

I'm going to also minorly revamp the site soon to let the user select the
width of their display. Whereas right now you have the option to display
images at full size or half size, I'm thinking this is going to look
stupid in the final run because some people are being real good to us and
submitting great images around ~1600x1200, but others are giving us as low
as 320x200 types, which look bad at 1/2 size.  So instead I'm going to
allow the user to select an "image width" based on their display: 400
(tiny) , 600 (640x480), 760 (800x600), or "max" (1024x768).  If you are
looking at an image that is 320x200, it will show up as 320x200 no matter
what size you've selected.  If you look at something that was 800x600, it
will be scaled down appropriately if you select 760 or below.  etc.  I'll
give a hoot when it's on the testing site.


  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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