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suggestions for next year (was Re: Plant Plan & stuff)


These are great suggestions.  I'm forwarding them to the list (so I can 
archive it when I get around to revamping, and so everyone else can read 

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Jared Weinberger wrote:

> Erik,
> 1. General Page has a misspelling ("electronicly")
> 2. We can save you work if there's a webpage with a way to submit planting
> plans with text keys (the Guidelines mention a "hand-drawn plan").

Hand-drawn was great, and I love how everyone did theirs.  But yeah, this
was something I realized AFTER we had all the guidelines done and a sample
entry from George... it's much nicer to have the legend parts as text
captions, because it can be searched, corrected, reformatted.

> 3. I did a caption before I sent in an image. It wasn't clear that I needed
> to click on the image placeholder to edit the caption. Perhaps a mention of
> "click to view and edit"?

A few people were tripped up by this.  Sometimes it's not clear that
clicking on something brings up details about that object.  It's also true
about the aquascape summaries.  Maybe I had a "click on an aquascape below
to edit" that helped there.

> 4. I do think that while 5 photos may be sufficient for smaller tanks, it
> really is hard to show detail with only 5 with a large tank.

Hmm, not sure there.  This would be subject to debate by the group,
certainly.  Perhaps after we've all gotten to see all the entries.

> 5. Panorama shots. Some cameras permit you to shoot a series of (2 or 3)
> shots and, with software, "stitch" them together to form a single panorama.
> This isn't possible if you catch fish on the overlap (they appear
> "ghosted"), but if you are lucky I think you can form a seamless single
> shot. IMO this should be discussed by the committee for next year, as it
> really isn't fair -- or it should count as 2 (or 3) of your total. 

Why is that?  It's still one image.  It's still going to be limited in
resolution to 1000 pixels on the website.  In reality, two people actually
did just this -- sent me photographs that were actually three small prints
literally taped together.  As long as it fits on my flatbed and is
displayed as one image, I'm OK with it.  This is also up for debate with
the group, as it was not particularly defined.

> 6. Photo editing. You rightly mention "color correction brightness, contrat
> and/or sharpness. I think you forgot border cropping.

Cool.  I had to do that in a few places myself.

> 7. We already discussed the "Done with Entry" wording, that perhaps "Back"
> or "Back to Entrant Form" would be better.

Sounds great.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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