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Re: Whether or not to enter......

Folks, the decision as to whether or not you enter, is really up to you, but
as Erik has pointed out, if anyone fears the "conflict of interest" shot,
just enter the Showcase. This is, after all, more about the sharing of ideas
and our love of the hobby than it is about winning prizes. Even Karen, as a
Judge, may enter the Showcase portion of the event.

To be perfectly truthful, I'm still shocked when I look at the Prize Page
and see how many vendors donated merchandise or vouchers for this, our first
attempt at an event like this. I hope that the lavishness of the prize pool
doesn't cloud anyone's vision.

I would venture to guess that the majority of people on the committee have
very NICE aquascapes which would make wonderful entries, either in the
Showcase or the Contest. You, of all people, have worked with us on this for
over a year putting this together, and I'd hate to think that anyone is
shying away from submitting their aquascape for any reason.

Provided that your entry follows the same rules and guidelines that everyone
else does, and you don't unfairly attempt to take advantage of your place on
the committee, there is no reason for anyone to not participate. Believe
me - Erik is the ONLY one who at this point in time has any idea of what the
images look like or exactly who has entered, and he's keeping that info to
himself. I haven't seen any of the entries and won't see any of them until
everyone else does.

Once the Judges begin their work, there will be no possibility of ANYONE who
is an entrant influencing their deliberations.

And as for influencing the distribution of Prizes, the decisions surrounding
that will be limited to people who have NOT entered aquascapes into the
Contest, so there can be no "conflict of interest" charges levied against
any of you. I may be a S.O.B. at times, but I'm an honest one.

So, get cracking, and get clicking! And good luck!


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