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Re: Those on the list with worries about conflict-of-interest

From: Erik Olson
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 12:28 PM

> If anyone else has similar worries, I have three words for ya:
>   "Showcase only" checkbox!

For some dense reason that I fail to fathom, I'd *dis*associated the
Showcase with the Contest, forgetting the contestants automatically *are*
the showcase. Hmm, and I was thinking that I'd be forcing Erik to create a
showcase just for me.

That's OK - I'm awake, now.

> ...That's what I'll do if I get my butt in gear today and photograph
> some of my own tanks...

Now I *do* have a problem, though. I'd already "geared down" and may not
finish in time.

The photos are not much of a problem in and of themselves - they've been at
the finishers and just need picking up (five minutes from the house). But I
can't scan them until morning because I'm closing manager and have to go
into work in about 90 minutes. That kills the electronic deadline.

And our PO closed at noon, so I'd have to chance a drop box on the

So now I'm wondering -

you have to wait for a few days for any snail mails to squeeze in

we aren't competing, merely showcasing

and it's *our* fault we waited so long before bringing this up (there goes
one leg).

What would be the consequences of getting them stamped Monday in our case (a
definite no- later- than date)?...


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