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Web Site Suggestion


Now that the contest is closed and we know the countries our entries are
from, what about adding a graphic to the Welcome page of the web site,
containing small images of the flags of each country from which we have
received entries?

I've gone to a web site called Mooney's MiniFlags
(http://www.qnet.com/~moonbase/miniflag/), and found very small and highly
detailed national flag gifs. They are available in either 50 or 30 pixel
high sizes. Using the 30 pixel high images, I have made a collage that is 36
x 438 pixels in size containing the 9 national flags and it is only 8 KB in
size, so it should not cause any problem for people to download.

I think it would be a nice addition to the first page of the web site,
re-inforcing the International aspect of the event. It could be placed under
the menu bars, just above the text on the page.

What do you think?


ps - I've sent you the images of the individual flags from Mooney's. We can
use the images freely so long as we give credit somewhere to the source.

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