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Re: Ken's suggestions

On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, James Purchase wrote:

> The only alternative to this would be to break apart the  Medium and Large
> Aquatic Garden categories more finely, into a number of sub-categories. As
> only Erik has actually seen the entries, only he could suggest or even do
> something like this. And of course, doing so would also open him/us to
> charges of favouritism, should someone still not win something. So, I would
> prefer that this further division not be even contemplated.

I don't know how we'd do this.  I'd far prefer to give out some extra
honorable mentions to the runners-up in the heavily-competitive divisions.

> I have maintained throughout this that everyone who went to the trouble of
> entering is a winner - its the participation that is the key, not the gravy
> at the end of the road. I mentioned very early on in our discussions that I
> thought it would be nice if we could manage to send each and every entrant a
> "Thank You for Participating" note - something that they could hang next to
> their aquarium if they wished would be nice. But it was poo-poo'ed down by a
> departed member and never reveived. To do something like that would probably
> cost us something like $50.00 for copying and mailing, but its not in our
> budget for this year.

I did e-mail everyone who entered and thanked them for entering when their
entry was complete, and I am planning one more when we open the site.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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