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Re: Number of Honorable Mention Awards

Ken wrote:

"I also think the number of HMs awarded should
be up to the judges as well (with an overall limit depending on the number
of prizes we want to award, which might have been your original question).
If we give the judges an arbitrary limit within a class or category, they
might be awarding some pretty awful aquariums HM awards in the lightly
competed categories. Basically, if the judges think that an aquascape is not
quite good enough to place in the top three, but was better than most of the
others in the category or class, then an HM might be appropriate."


I think that we will need to define a maximum number of HM's which _can_ be
awarded, but we should leave it up to the Judges to decide how many and
which ones to actually award.

Earlier, we discussed the desirability of spreading the "gravy" (i.e. the
merchandise prizes) as far as possible. This might be a way to do it.

But I don't know if any decision was made earlier in that particular
discussion as to whether or not that was the route we _would_ take (instead
of limiting out prize awards to the "win, place and show" awards).

What say you all?


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