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Re: Plaques/Ribbons

"That is the way it has been done at every fish or horse show I've been
involved with as well.  Some horse clubs use a different (larger) rosette
style for championship ribbons, but all the others are the same.  In this
case, we don't even need that larger size, since I think James said he
wanted to do a plaque for the "Best of Show" award."

Not to put too fine a point on it, I don't really know or _care_ how ribbons
are handled in other types of events. Never having been involved in juried
competitions before, I don't feel any necessity of slavisly following

I can live with one size/style of rosette very easily however, and Karen
mentioned a nice one (the Hampshire) yesterday. Since we won't need as many
as we originally budgeted for, the extra cost of the really nice rosette
(with 15" ribbons, rather than 12" ones) shouldn't be a problem. I can order
blue for 1st place, red for 2nd, and white for 3rd.

But they will _still_ probably end up in a drawer somewhere. Although, to
tell the truth, if I ever won one, I'd have it mounted and framed.

For the Best of Show award (and for the People's Choice), rather than
ordering yet another ribbon (and paying for another $25.00 "set-up fee"), I
think that awarding a plaque, which can at least be hung on the wall next to
the person's aquarium, makes more sense. Especially for the Best of Show, as
this person will already be getting a rosette for having won their category.


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