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Update #2

I have uploaded a further itteration of the Prize List to

Main differences are the removal of estimated $$$ values for the individual
prizes and the addition of the Rosette/Ribbon to be awarded in each
instance - this IS part of the prize and I think that it needs stating in
the master list so that everyone realizes that the AGA is giving them
something for having won.

[Erik - this will run to some SIX pages in TAG, at the usual typeface size
used by Mary. I think it will be a bit of a jaw-dropper for anyone who
considered this a "little" event.]

B.T.W., I was out most of yesterday afternoon and evening - when I got home
there was a message on my answering machine from Purolator (at least, I
think it was Purolator). Apparently, the Rosettes/Ribbons are here in
Toronto, awaiting Customs Clearance. Now why, in this NAFTA age, a package
of ribbons needs to be "cleared" thru Customs is beyond me, but its good
news. I'll call them in a few hours when their offices open and hopefully
arrange for delivery tomorrow.


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