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Web site & Prize Packages

Web site looks good Erik.

David, I had to make a few very minor changes to the prize packages, to
accomodate the delivery restrictions on a couple of donors. I am going to be
contacting each winner over the next few days in order to confirm a mailing
address. As they respond to me, I'll pass the info to you so that our
mailings can go out at approximately the same time.

Now, as to shipping costs. I would prefer "proof of delivery requested"
wherever possible. This might cost a dollar or two more but we will be
protecting ourselves from any mishaps. Do you want/need an advance to cover
your upfront costs (you might have to buy boxes and then of course the
mailing costs)? I'm sure that we can get a check issued to you by the AGA
Treasurer to cover your approximate costs.

All packages which are going out of the US will probably need a "Customs
Declaration" (at least packages leaving Canada need one, and I would think
that the US is pretty similar)). Here, it is a small green sticker which
gets applied to the outside of the box and you have to state the nature of
the contents and state a value for Customs purposes.

I think that if the contests of each box are described as "Aquarium
Supplies - Award", with the value listed as the value I put on everything in
my earlier list, this should be sufficient for Customs purposes, but of
course you should probably ask the US Post Office.

Oh, B.T.W., I picked up the plaques for the Judges the other day. They look
great. Each one has the AGA logo graphic in black in the center, with
"Aquatic Gardeners Association" in green type above and "Presented to
(judge's name) In appreciation of your role as a Judge in the AGA
International Aquascaping Showcase & Contest  November 30, 2000" below the
graphic in black type. The whole thing has a double green line bordering the

I'm going to do up the artwork for the plaque for Frode Roe (Best of Show).
Erik, could you send me the images for # 42 without the "Copyright" notice.
I'll do a test sheet both with and without the picture to see which one
looks better.


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