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How long for Popular Choice? and some stats

Question: How long should we keep the popular choice voting open? I
figured 2 weeks would be cool, but perhaps we want to go up to a month?  
So far there have been 80 votes. At least eight of these are very obvious
forgeries and will be removed from the final tally should the final tally
hinge on these.

I will have some statistics for our first ten days of the site being
"open" available in the next few days (the computer analyzes the logs the
1st, 5th, 10th, and so on). For now, just glancing over the first couple
days, suffice to say that on November 30th we had 68,000 hits, or about
750 "visits" (a more accurate representation of the number of people who
looked at the site), and 1.6 gigabytes downloaded in the one day alone!  
I'm sure glad I decided at the last minute to make the 800x600 1024x768
images only available on the CD-ROM!  Since the 30th, things have calmed
down a bit, going down to around 700k per day for the 2nd-4th.  

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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