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James's Flu and the future.


Sorry to hear about your run in with the Flu and all the after effects.

And I will say sorry for not putting in more effort with last few month's
work. I am at/in the nineteen year mark in the Army and they have a new
thing about getting tough on letting anyone stay over twenty years. So I
have been taking an over load of free college courses and sub-courses ( a
course that the military lets you take at home by mail) and going to any and
all away schools the Army will let me get to. All this to help build up my
retirement points and they look at the rate your going to be paid retirement
from how much you made in pay in the last two years of service. And when
they review my records they'll see that I am not just laying back doing
nothing and maybe I can stay in a bit longer, (again every two years equals
higher pay level too and more money at the end). The people I know that are
short timers call all this stacking points. Wow, did I just type all that?

Bottom line is, that you get better and let's try this again this year,  Now
that the word is out about the contest and all the hard work of setting this
up in the last two years is done and set, (really look at the date of the
first message on this). The companies that didn't respond because we were
new, can now be shown what we did and can do. We are not an unknown factor
any more. I even used a four letter word or two, when I released that I had
missed the entry dateline, and I am sure there were a few more like me too.
Everyone has an idea of how this went and what bugs that may and have popped
up, all the questions and most any problem had been met and worked out on
the first run. It'll be easier this time with less work too. (And I am going
to get out as a 5 Star General too, yea, ~(;>)) *****).

Again get better.   JiM C.

>Sorry to have been so silent the past while. I had >a really, REALLY bad
>episode of the "flu" (don't ever believe that a flu >shot will spare you)
>then landed in hospital with pneumonia. This >middle aged body of mine
>to be falling apart at the seams sometimes. >Coupled with my asthma, it
>didn't leave me in much of a state to do much >web surfing. I seem to be on
>the mend, and hope to get back on top of things >soon.

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