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A note from Charlene

OK, still waiting to hear from the rest of you guys willing to volunteer.
Reply, either on-list, or to me personally.  Thanks!

Summarizing Charlene's message, we have need for people to

  * Mail brochures
  * Contact manufacturers & retailers (especially if you have an "in")
  * Contact fish & horticulture magazines

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 08:22:00 -0400
From: Charlene Nash <ecn@tennis.org>
To: "'erik@thekrib.com'" <erik@thekrib.com>

Hi Erik, thought I would send this to you first. I will use David and
another volunteer here for stuff like recording registration and other
stuff.  I will call the vendors from last year so there is no crossover.
Whoever is soliciting vendors should probably work with me so we can make
sure space works out. Do we want to call Kingfish this year? He was
disappointed last year but needs  3 booths (and us to pay his hotel!) We
will need someone to mail brochures-I think I can get them printed but would
like to have someone else do the mailing-unless I can round up enough
volunteers here. But we need other people to help us spread them around to
places not on AGA mailing list. There are many businesses that could
advertise in our registration packet for the $100 fee and that would build
our coffers considerably. This year is going to be expensive! So having help
all over the country could accomplish this task-with the many retailers that
there are. Zoo med ignored me last year-never could get Pet Warehouse to
talk so maybe someone has an inside track there at those type places.
Wherever people are customers they need to ask their suppliers to return the
favor and support our conference with ads (money!). I will have duties as
they come up, but things are slow to start. I will do the brochure when I
return May 1 and just need help finding more ways to get the word out and
more vendors/advertisers.  Also the conference should be placed in all hort
and fish magazines promptly! Almost all have calendar sections they will
print. Have someone contact me about that so we don't duplicate efforts.
Maybe someone could be in charge of the promotion end of the conference and
do that. All for now-hope this makes sense. Charlene

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