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Re: AGA CONTEST - Digest V1 #448

AGA CONTEST - Digest wrote:

> > Regarding the judges - can we get judges that are not necessarily into
> > aquatic plants? We DO have categories other than planted tanks and the
> > aquatic garden category (although the one with the most entries) is only a
> > quarter of the total number of categories. We can get some of the veterans 
> > in
> > the aquarium-keeping hobby. I don't have any suggestions on who we can get
> > though since I haven't been in this hobby for very long. But I'm sure other
> > people might have suggestions.

Who is into aquascaping, but not into aquatic plants?

I would rather have a judge who is an artist with no experience in
aquarium keeping than an aquarium keeper with an no interest in
aquascaping.  The contest is after all about composing a view pleasing
to the eye, not about keeping or breeding fish.

> Karen has suggestedw this as well.  I think it's a good idea too!

What is the up side?  It would be like having a boxer judge a gymnastics

I saw a book at the LFS recently named (as I recall) "Aquarium Style". 
Personally I thought it was pretty stupid.  It pictures a lot of
different aquascapes.  Most of the aquascapes were without plants, and
those that did have plants were clearly composed for the photograph, not
planted tanks.  Maybe the author of that book would be a suitable judge.
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