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Prizes from last year's contest

Hi David,

I just got an e-mail from Wade Shimoda (winner of the Second Place in the
Artificial Aquascape category of last year's AGA Contest). He seems to think
that he didn't get all parts of his prize. He did receive his ribbon (which
I sent out), the Ad Konings book and some planting supplies from Aquarium
Pharmaceuticals. He seems to be expecting some Hikari fish food as well.

If my memory serves me correctly, we had to make a few last minute
adjustments to the items in some prize packages because of shipping
restrictions (where winners lived outside of the U.S. and their proposed
prize was restricted to U.S. addresses only), and it sounds like this is one
of those situations. My listings show that he should have gotten 2 items and
he did, only not the two he might have been expecting - it looks like the
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals stuff was swapped for the Hikari.

Could you please check your files and tell me who the Hikari stuff went to?


James Purchase

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