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We have judges!

I haven't updated the folks on the status of the Aquascaping Contest in a
while... life's been busy.

Entries are actually starting to arrive, both on the website and in the
snail-mail.  So it seems that a giant list of prizes isn't necessarily the
most important thing to get people interested.

I also got off my duff & contacted some more judges.  As of today, we now
have on the confirmed list Karl Schoeler and Jeff Kropp from the US, some
fellow named Pim from Europe (an expert in the Dutch Aquaria field
recommended by Jan Bastmeijer, who bowed out as an admitted idiot at
aquascaping), and Wim van Dronglen as a "probably", if he's not moving at
the time.  Wim is also speaking at the AGA convention, so there's a tie-in
as well.  I *REALLY* wanted to also get someone from Japan, but it looks
like it's not going to happen.  But it'll be cool, I'm sure.  We did fine
with two Americans and two Europeans last year.

Ken checked in a month back that he'd e-mailed aquarium societies in the
US, and I've been occasionally posting to the APD with updates.  Still,
this is the critical time where every one of you could help out spreading
the word. Print out the PDF poster and/or the brochure up on the website
http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org (look under "Press Kit").  Get your
favorite store to put up a poster.  Better yet, get them to enter their
display tank (free publicity, remember we include a free link to another
website for each entry).  Bring the materials to your next aquarium
society meeting.  Offer to help photograph tanks if you're good at that.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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