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Re: Progress

Hi Ken,

Judges are complete.  That should be cool.  Two europeans, two americans
just like last year, and DIFFERENT people this time!

Entrants, we've got a few checks and a few complete online forms.  Seems
small, but I think that's how I felt last year too until about the last

Prizes, eh, well, perhaps you've read some of that fiasco on the list.  
In effect, I've turned over the job of getting prizes to Charlene in
conjunction with the convention.  Any donations received are in effect
"for the AGA".  I set her up with all the contact information, but don't
know if anything has worked out.  Charlene, you're on this list, have any
donations been received?

Meanwhile, back with last year's prizes... I auctioned off the all-glass
tank via Ebay, and now nearly a month later, it's been nothing but trouble
running messages back & forth between the All-Glass rep and the person who
bought the tank.  The rep assumes I have full knowledge of the "biz", and
would know to contact the store and have them order the tank for the
person FIRST before a credit invoice is issued from All-Glass.  Meanwhile,
I think there's a store in DC scratching its head as to why it just got a
credit invoice for a big tank.  I have vowed never to do this stuff again;
James was MUCH better at dealing with this minutia...

  - Erik

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Ken Guin wrote:

> Erik:
> How is the contest coming along. I haven't gotten any information from the
> listserver in a while, so I am curious about what's going on. Do we have any
> entries, prizes, more judges, etc.?
> Ken Guin
> Front Royal, VA

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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