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Forwarded mail....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 12:27:25 -0400 
From: Charlene Nash <ecn@tennis.org>
To: "'erik@thekrib.com'" <erik@thekrib.com>

In answer to your question yesterday (?), most of the letters have just gone
out. The only response from the earlier mailing was a check for $100 from
FAN like last year-for an ad I presume in our registration packet. We will
see what the next round brings. Diana Lum has agreed to help and make second
contacts in a couple of weeks after people have had time to receive the
letters and think about it. I am also going to get her to email those with
no mailing addresses. There are more companies we could contact I am sure-if
you know of any, let me know. I will check some magazines for ads etc and
see when I have time. Charlene

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