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Contest Entry Stats

Hi Folks,

Haven't gotten back with everyone who offered to help in the contest for a
while.  Some were interested in hearing how we did. 

The short answer: NOT BAD.

Up until about two weeks ago, we had probably less than 20 entries, and I
was considering calling it off and refunding everyone's money.  But once
again proving that aquatic gardeners are procrastinating but resourceful,
we've closed with 58 confirmed entries and perhaps a couple more that
could be rousted out of their slumber.  To compare with last year, we
closed with 77 entries back then.  So I am happy with the response.

More specifics:  Just like last year, the overwhelming response has been
in the Aquatic Garden category.  I have futzed around with the sizes, and
come up with the following categories:

< 100L          12 entries
100-200L        12 entries
200-400L        18 entries
> 400L          9 entries

Biotope         9 entries (all sizes)
Paludarium      2 entries
Artificial      NO entries (!)

So we still end up with six categories, just like last year, except that
these are generally more "balanced".

How do they look?  Let's say for now that it runs the whole gamut, just
like last year.  There are some truly spectacular aquaria.  

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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