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Scheduling of things "To Do" and making first contact

Hi folks,

By now, you should have seen the messages I sent to Edward Venn in Japan
seeking his help in obtaining some contact info for the various aquarium
magazines in Asia. These should come in handy later. I'll also be trying to
get the same sort of information for European and Australian magazines (and
any others which might come to my attention).

I have also sent a "first contact" note to Charlene Nash regarding areas
where we might pool our resources for the Contest and the Convention. In my
note to her you will see what I consider to be a logical series of things we
need to get done and a tentative timetable (or at least an order) for when
the various activities ought to be taking place.

If I've missed anything in that listing, please feel free to remind me of
what I might have forgotten.

James Purchase

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