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Please Proof-Read!

I've asked this in the past, and things slipped by, only to have mistakes
get noticed AFTER the fact. This is IMPORTANT! It is difficult if not
impossible for me to proof-read something which I have written myself. I ask
EACH of you to read over the following material BEFORE I commit it to pdf
format and have it posted to the web.

Some preliminary information:

Please note that in order to accomodate the Garden Pond and Botanical Art
entries, I make reference to there being three Divisions in the event:

* Aquascaping Division
 - Aquatic Garden Category
 - Natural/Biotope Category
 - Artificial Category
 - Paludarium Category
(each of the above Categories will be further divided into Classes based
upon size, as follows:
 - Small (under 100 L)
 - Medium (100 L ~ 199 L)
 - Large (200 L ~ 399 L)
 - Very Large (over 400 L)

* Garden Pond Division

* Botanical Art Division

I propose to NOT state at this point in time if or even how the latter two
divisions might be separated, except in the case of the  Garden Pond
Division, where I'm willing to say that entries MAY be separated based upon
size. Everything depends upon the entries we receive and I don't want to get
into any corners that I can avoid. I have also specified that entries into
the Garden Pond Division must be sets of photos (as in the Aquascaping
Division), and we will accept photos of individual plants (and notice that I
add "other media depicting an aquatic plant or aquatic theme". This should
give people leeway to decide what they want to enter.) into the Botanical
Art Division. (this comes from Dave G.'s question regarding photos of
aquatic plants/flowers)

Please note that the following materia is only PART of what I will be
posting for proof-reading. More will follow....

If anyone has comments/suggestions/problems with any of this PLEASE SPEAK UP
RIGHT AWAY, before the material gets posted....


The Aquatic Gardeners Association has announced the Third Annual AGA
International Aquascaping Contest. This event is a unique opportunity for
hobbyists to display and share their aquascaping efforts with others around
the world. Hobbyists of all ages and experience levels are welcome to take
part; you do not have to be an expert to enter. All types of freshwater,
brackish water and paludarium aquascapes are welcome. (Sorry, marine or
saltwater reef aquaria are not eligible.)

NEW THIS YEAR – We have added two new divisions to the event this year –
Garden Ponds & Pools and Botanical Art.

A panel of experienced aquascapers will judge the event. Past judges
included: Karen Randall, past Chair of the AGA; Neil Frank, Editor Emeritus
of the AGA; Claus Christensen, General Manager of Tropica in Denmark; Kaspar
Horst, co-founder of Dupla, Editor of Aquarium Heute, Germany. Entries from
past year’s contest may not be resubmitted, though the same aquascape may be
entered using a new form and photographs taken this year. Contest entries in
the Aquascaping Division shall be sorted for judging into the following
categories: Aquatic Garden, Natural / Biotope Aquascape, Artificial
Aquascape and Paludarium.

Within each category in the Aquascaping division, aquascapes will be sorted
as follows:
·       Small (under 100 L)
·       Medium (100 ~ 199 L)
·       Large (200 ~ 399 L)
·       Very Large (over 400 L)

There will be a maximum of 16 separate classes in the Aquascaping Division.
The organizers may choose to combine sizes based on participation level.

Contest entries in the Garden Pond division may be separated on the basis of
size, based upon participation level. Entries in this Class should consist
of a group of photos showing both overall views and detailed close-ups of
your garden pond or pool, together with a detailed plan drawing and a list
of the plants used.

Contest entries in the Botanical Art division may be photographs or scanned
reproductions of original drawings, sketches or paintings, or a work of art
or craft in any other media depicting an aquatic plant or aquatic theme.
Photos of individual aquatic plants or flowers may be entered into this
category. Please do not submit original works of art.

Each entrant should submit the following:
·       A completed Entry Form (must include signed Photo Release);
·       One Aquascape/Garden Pond/Botanical Art Information Form per entry (max 
entries per entrant);
·       A series of from two to five photographs per entry, except in the
Botanical Art division, where single images are acceptable.;
·       Entrance fee in U.S. funds of $5.00 (check or money order) per entry;

A maximum of 300 separate entries will be accepted into the event.
Further information and entry forms can be found on the World Wide Web at

Deadline for submission of entries is September 15th, 2002!

Thanks for your help!


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